Marriott Family Christmas 2013
Jim (54): CZ Boy, 2013 Ford 4x4 Driver, Bring Home the Salmoner, Gun Smither, Knife Maker, New Glasses Wearer, Western North America Traveler, Beaver Hat Wearer, FICS PR-erCarolyn (49): Ex-Gleaner, Hillsdale Online Courser, Alaska Cruiser, Daughter-of-Novagenerian, Talk on the Phone to Jimmer, Morning Walker, 19-Year Homeschool Mom, Speech Teacher, Mia Maid Counselor, Garage Dejunker, Possum Hater
Jameson (25): Hard Working California Redland’s Missionary, Zone Leader, Back on a Biker, Getting Older, Trainer, Mostly in San Bernardino-er, Weight Loser, Ankle Sprainer, Hot Chocolate Drinker and Popcorn Eater, Come-home-January-21ster
Brian (30): Back in Afghanistaner, Mustache Grower, Masters Student, Green Smoothie Every Morninger, Elders Quorum Secretary, Expert Pull-upper, Finger Burner, Philippines Traveler, Still Stasia's 6' 2" Charming Husband
Stasia (23): Deployment Strongly Disliker, Quilter, Piano Owner, Happy Homemaker, Health Nut, BYU Spring Graduation Walker, Mustache Liker, D.I. Fashion Finder, Time in Washington Spender, Philippines Traveler, Detox Dieter, YOLO Swagger
Erik (26): BYU Graduator, New Job at Qualtricser, Intramural Volleyball Player, Ward Clerk, 2010 Mazda 3 Owner, Hobbit Opening Nighter, Mr. Incredible, GRE Studier, Puzzle Doer
Lexi (21): BYU TV Writer/Editor, Ankle Bad Sprainer, Arches Vacationer, 10K Winner, Article Publisher, Peter’s Role Model, Mrs. Incredible, Ward Choir Pianist, Compassionate Service Leader
Tessa (19): Posh Maxwell Institute Secretary, Essay Contester, Cadaver Lab Fainter, Heart Brokener, Student Symposium Presenter, Soup Maker, BYU Scholarship Recipient, Heels Every Dayer, Third Time Bridesmaid, Sunday Dinner Absentee, Hiccupper
Peter (17): High Adventurer, Couponer, Cross Country Coach’s Award Winner, Real Struggler, Eagle Scout, Sarah Lee’s Boyfriend, Taller than Brian and Eriker, Cat Hat Seller, No Shave Novemberer, Ballroom Quitter, Mom’s Errand Runner
Katie (15): Francophile, Ballroom Team Nationals 1st Placer, ohsheglows.commer, Cross Stitcher, Count of Monte Cristo Reader, Spanish Student , Canada Friends Devotee, Family Historian, Ballroom Syllabus Silver Medalist, Piano Adjudications 4 Levels Jumper
Lizzy (11): Nancy Drawn Outer, Studio C-er, braidsbunsandbeyond blogger, Primary Program Pianist, Ballroom Dancer, Rebecca Gibbs in Our Towner, Anne of Green Gables Dreamer, Metal Mouth, Pride and Prejudice Reader, Curl Chopper, Mom’s Highlighter