Sunday, January 22, 2017

Christmas Newsletter 2016

Jim (57): Reloader, qualified NRA instructor, driving school graduate, 8-day faster, roto-tiller, diamond specialist, utility truck driver, Arkansas-Louisana-Minesota traveler, mother misser, 1954 Marlin 336 owner

Carolyn (52): Blue truck misser, first time actress, Washington wedding celebrator, constitution writer, Beaver baby enjoyer, eyebrow raiser, gardener, happy returned missionary mother, fourth grandchild getter, lilac hedge planter, Mazda lemon buyer

Jameson (28): Future RAM quality engineer, CQPA, first B-er, eat to live-er, 18% body weight loser, Tau Alpha Pi member, Singapore internshipper, summer researcher, Mars Rover competitor and team captain, Costco snack ninja, mole loser, foot smasher, wart killer

Jess (28): Happy stay-at-home mom, eat to live-er, 18% body weight loser, food maker, still a 30lbs-of-chocolate buyer, temple cultural celebration helper, California visitor, organization queen, Primary 2nd counselor, Costco snack ninja, Bible finisher, Narnia re-reader

Charlie (1): Daddy's boy, triceratops, winey crawler, Anson trailer, one year old-er, 11 hours sleeper, bath lover, bread lover, hand-foot-mouth sickie, early talker, plays in the dirt-er, book destroyer, kamikaze climber, tooth chipper, arm breaker, Narnia listener

Brian (33): Happy to be home-er, family reunited-er, Turkey air force tour terminator, stuck in base-er, board gamer, long hours worker, Elders quorum president

Stasia (26): Cargo plane Atlantic crosser, Turkey evacuee, theft victim, nester, caster oil taker, natural birther, Sonja's favorite, whole foods eater, dinner maker, long distance face timer, home body, postpartum work outer

Hannah (2): Chapstik lover, all girl, bottomless pit, caviar and runny egg eater, dad misser, mirror admirer, Charlie pusher, adoring Katie needer, cry out in the nighter, "mo"-er

Sonja (.6): Beaver baby, squealer, smiler, double cowlick sporter, happy to see dad-er

Erik (29): Eagle Mountain home owner, Alaska hiker and kayaker, got a new jobber, software testing engineer, primary teacher, Sunday school president, plumber, Anson's second favorite, bread baker, foot sprainer

Lexi (24): Stay-at-home mom, Provo mover, homeowner, Alaska hiker and kayaker, home decorator, ward chorister, Relief Society pianist, Marriage and Family Relations teacher, Insanity work-outer, sewer, Anson's all-time favorite, snapchatter, pregnant

Anson (1): Momma's boy, hugger, kisser, talker, climber, dancer, playground climbing champ, outdoors fanatic, Cutie eater, Momma's chore helper, Alaska left-behinder, cat and dog lover, little sweetheart

Tessa (22): RM, companion of Filipinas, Filipino sunshine misser, DGF, backup-tour team advancer, more likes than Peter-er, visiting teaching supervisor, plasma donor, ASL-er, former piano player

Peter (20): Suit wear-outer, RM, BYU freshman, SBF, elders quorum instructor, hardcore dater, early morning custodian, mommy misser, cover your asseter, Y hiker, plasma donor, pupusa lover, Charlie's babysitter, Hannah's favorite uncle, zion's subway hiker, cute dresser, mom's mannequin, turkey sandwich eater, ardent spotify premium customer

Katie (18): Hiding Place duo scene 1st placer, future BYU student, speech and debate nationals qualifier, ACT high scorer, AP Spanish and English-er, Patti's Place worker, Wyoming treker, friends misser, marshmallow maker, weight lifter, half marathoner, Lion King musical performer, soloist, water colorer

Lizzy (14): MiaMaid, Rosalind, Yolanda Kanoshka, first-time repeller, patriarchal blessing getter, Hiding Place duo scene 1st placer, flower gardener, play reader, hand stander