Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Newsletter 2012
Jim (53): Western U.S. and Hawaii traveler, Roto Mill Tooth Seller, Facial Wound Bearer, Forge Builder, Warehouse Vacator, Sales Books Reader, Father of the Bride x2
Carolyn (48): Glasses Wearer, Economics and WWII Teacher, 18-year Homeschool Mom, Only 4-time to Utah Goer, 6 Month Runner, Happy but Harried Mother of the Brides, Play Set Director, Fall Baller, Election-night-can’t-sleeper, Apron Maker
Jameson (24): Proud, hard-working San Bernardino and Apple Valley Missionary (blog), One time Junior Comp, 3-time District Leader, 2-time Trainer, Apartment broken-inner, Weight-gainer, Bike Rider, Heat Endurer
Brian (29): Airforce Captain, Return from Afghanistaner, Moved to Utaher, Tied-the-Knotter, Sudoku Expert, Masters Degree Student, Stasia Scarer, Elder’s Quorum Secretary, Gun-range Shooter, Stasia’s Wallet, Still-can’t-ballroom-dancer
Stasia (22): Organ owner, BYU Graduate, Brian’s Wife, Voice Lesson Lover, Avid Cook, New Car Scratcher, Brian’s Barber, Food Storage Buyer, Apartment Maker, Green Smoothie Drinker, Blog Neglecter, Baby-wanter, Costco-keep-in-businesser, Brian’s wardrobe director
Erik (25): Wife Catcher, CA Honeymooner, San Diego Zoo Tourist, Body Builder, Hobbit Fanatic, Senior, BYU Sports Fan, Late Night Hiker, Food Sampler, Technical Supporter, Ultimate Frisbeeer, Temple Committee Member, Kitchen Aid Giver
Lexi (20): Wedding Planner, “Stevie” Marryer, Cake Decorator, Bridesmaid, San Diego Zoo Tourist, Independent Study Receptionist, Choir Pianist, BYU Junior, BYU Sports Fan, Gym Frequenter, Ultimate Frisbeer, Hair Cutter, Culinary Extraordinaire, First-time Attender of General Conference
Tessa (18): Wedding Cake Maker, BYU Frosh, Surgery Watching Fainter, 28-day Sweaty MTC Cafeteria Worker, End of the World Predictor, Early-morming Art Museum Custodian, Hit-by-a-car-on-her-biker, PBD Misser, Bluntly Disinterested Dater, FHE Mom, Stasia’s Wedding Hair Dresser, Star of the Show at Ballroom Concert
Peter (16): Tabby’s #1 Fan, New Driver, High School Junior, First time to Prommer, Cross-Country DAD Award Recipient, Pandora-Listener, Grower, Texter, Show Team Ballroomer, Ripley’s Movie Night Fan, Life Scout, Groomsman, Big Sister Misser But Won’t Admitter, 3 Breakfasts a Dayer
Katie (14): Hero and Verge in Much Ado About Nothing, Contacts Wearer, Lexi’s Refreshments Maker, Ward Choir and YW Pianist, Potter’s School Student, Pre-algebra Conqueror, Junior Premier Ballroomer, To-do Lister, Newly Promoted Sunday Dessert Maker and Litter Sister Slave Driver
Lizzy (10): Piano Player, Hugger, Flamboyant Ballroom Dancer, Crocheter, Back to Beadinger, Peter’s only Audience, Double-duty Human Dishwasher, Full-fledged Reader, I love Lucy Fan, Garfield Comic Reader
Tabby: Fat, lazy, and ugly-er or cute, adorable, and fuzzy-er
Christmas Newsletter 2011
Jim (52): Marriot Mercantile Closer-outer, Trailer Builder and Never-used Seller, Welder, Spinner Inventor, Engine-rebuilder, Rained-out Yard Seller, Chain Saw Wielding Tree Cutter, Mariners Attender, Novatek Technical Sales Manager, Ward Clerk
Carolyn (47): Seventeen-year Homeschool Mom, Six Time Utah Goer, American History Teacher, Walker, Prom & Nativity Committees Member, Speech Judge, Veggie Garden Planter, Peach Pie Pro, Play Producer, Young Women Leader
Jameson (23): Mount Rainier Ascender, Jessica's Admirer, Thisbe, Mariner's Attender, Engine Changer-Outer, Fake Christmas Tree Hater, Rental Manager, Mission Call Receiver (Blog), Wedding Photographer, Ham Radio Operator, Daily Worker Outer, Hydrogen Experimenter, Mt. Timpanogus Failure, Book Of Mormon in a Monther, Weight Loser
Stasia (21): Got Engageder, Wedding Dress Buyer, BYU Senior, River Road Landscape Employee, History Major with Music Minor, FHE Mom, Saturday Morning Runner, Pinterester, 3rd Year Early-to-rise Custodian, Brian-comes-back-from-Afghanistan Count-downer
Lexi (19): Stevie Meeter, BYU Sophomore, Mt. Timpanogus Climber, MacBook Buyer, Blogger, Summer DQ Employee, English Major with Music Minor, Museum of Art Cafe Worker, Sound to Narrows Racer, Wisdom Teeth Loser, Piano Lesson Taker, Still Julia's Roommate
Tessa (17): Two-time Ballroom Champion, Crazy Driver, Wall and Assistant Play Director, Tire Changer, Wheel Stud Breaker, Handcart Trekker, Laurels Second Counselor, Girls' Camp Junior Staffer, Ballroom Scholarship Recipient, College Applicant, Mom's Secret Chocolate Stash Stealer
Peter (15): Jameson's Taller Brother, Singing Ballroom Superstar,Facebooker, Driving Permitter, Weight Lifter, Most-improved Cross Country Runner, Abbreviator, Eater, Chess Expert, Pandora-Listener, iPod Winner, Handcart Trekker, Teacher's Quorum President
Katie (13): French & Spanish Learner, Speech Competitor, Midsummer Night's Dream Helena & Lion, Constitution Bowler, Choir Pianist, Beehive President, 1st Year Girls-Camper, Ballroom Beginner, 2-Week Canada Visitor, Confederate General
Lizzy (9): Journal Writer, Midsummer Night's Dream Fairy & Moon, Human Dishwasher, Sasser, Hugger, Body-slammer, Fancy Skirt Wearer, Late-night Reader, Tree Climber, Ballroom Dancer
Christmas Newsletter 2010
25 Years! |
Jim (51): 25-Year Husband, Federalist Paper Studier, 14-Day
Faster, Psychological Economist, Big Blue Killer, Little Blue Painter, Ward
Financial Clerk, Trailer Buyer, Stagnant Chess Player, Sailboat Owner,
Meditater, Freud Reader
Carolyn (46): 25-Year Wife, Shakespeare Costume Coordinator, Cat
Pushover, WWII Teacher, Beehive Advisor, Hair Chopper-offer, Festival of the
Nativity Decorator, Economics Teacher, Federalist Paper Studier
Jameson (22): Mt. Rainier Re-Attempter, Doug Cloud Campaigner, Tea
Partier, Elder’s
Quorum Teacher, Shakespeare in the Parker, Car Fixer, Hair Style Changer,
Shakespeare Sonnet Recorder, Room Remodeler, 100 Greatest Books Owner, Photographer,
Stasia (20): BYU Junior, Choir Singer, House Scraper/Primer, No
Summer Jobber, BGF, Kale Consumer, Service Committee Member, Precious
Babbler, Epic Cha Cha-er, Lisa’s Roommate
Lexi (18): BYU Frosh, 5’2” High Jumper, Rosalind in As you Like It, 5 am Janitor, DQ
Girl, Spanish Speaker, Compassionate Service Member, 100% Seminary Graduate,
Coaches Award Getter, BYU Basketball Attender, Julia’s Roommate
Tessa (16): Phoebe and Adam in As You Like It, Laurel President,
New Sunday Desserter, Drive Mom Everywherer, Anna’s Housekeeper/Marriage-Saver, Cat
Hater, Seminary and Young Women Pianist, 6-Days a Week Ballroom Dancer, Girls
Camp Counselor, Blunt Speaker, Professional Bible Therapist
Peter (14): Taller than Papi-er, Seminary Student, Teacher, State
Middle School Chess Champion, Double Dukes in As You Like It, Brace Face, Cat
Terrorizor, Cross Country Runner, Family Entertainer, 117 WPM Typer, Patrick
McManus Reader, Mega Eater, Snow Camper
Katie (12): Hair Cutter, Beehive Secretary, Ward Choir Pianist,
Celia in As You Like It, Francophile, Spanish and French Learner, Dinner Maker,
Economics Classer, Book Lover, Non-Procrastinator, First-time Sacrament Talker,
Christmas Newsletter 2009
Jim (50): over-the-hiller, fountain pen fixer, economics
teacher, banana walnut soy cream maker, silk tie collector, Airstream owner,
Nibley’s Approaching Zion reader, 10,000 feedback milestoner, yard sale
manager, walker, YouTube celebrity, ward financial clerk, handwriting
Carolyn (45): Spanish, U.S. Constitution and Civil War teacher,
Peter’s chess tournament buddy, Lynnanne mourner, Basic Economicser,
beach house lover, QuickBooks courser, ward activities chair and Sunbeam
teacher, runner/walker, April Fools victim, traveler to North Dakota, Alberta
and 4 x to Utah
Jameson (21): 2nd year Ebayer, Mt. Rainier summit
attempter, motorcycle seller, Java programmer, photographer, ankle sprainer,
360° on freewayer, Atlas Shrugged reader, blogger, car crash rescuer,
Sunday school teacher, singles ward attendee, letter corresponder, house
painter, Alaskan sailor/cable puller
Stasia (19): BYU history major, organ player, Lisa and Emma’s
roommate, Ebay shipper, starving student vegetable eater, Facebook picture
detagger, heartbreaker, 5 am custodial worker, room painter, singer, Gospel
Essentials teacher
Lexi (17): Viola in Twelfth Night, chef, seminary driver,
choir and seminary pianist, rhetoric student, ACT taker, high jumper, Laurel
counselor, time manager, cross country runner, fainter, Constitution bowler,
babysitter, house scraper, seminary president
Tessa (15): brunette ballroom team 2nd placer at
nationals, dramatic Olivia in Twelfth Night, voice student, Mia Maid
counselor, Constitution bowler, $500 ballroom scholarship earner, babysitter,
bronze ballroom medalist, grammar stickler, pianist
Peter (13): arm breaker, chess tournament trophy and cash winner,
Orsino in Twelfth Night, pro-procrastinator, deacon quorum president,
fall-off-stage fainter, garbage disposal, Constitution bowler, the family
jokester, JAVA learner, house painter, merit badger
Katie (11): Spanish learner, wheat bread seller, ballroom dancer,
signature flourisher, glasses breaker, drawer and painter, avid reader,
can-sit-on-her-hairer, Shakespeare enthusiast, writer, assistant primary
Lizzy (7): budding reader, snuggler, cursive learner, piano
player, curls cutter, Savannah misser, quilt blocker, teeth loser, sick of
Barbieser, poem memorizer
Christmas Newletter 2008
Jim (49): Warehouse Renter, 14-Day Faster, “Voodoo Blue”
Stepvan Painter, High Priest Group Leader, Green Smoothie Drinker, 20 More
Pounds Loser, 5S-er, Puritanical Sermonizer, Mastermind of the Greatest April
Fool’s Prank Ever, Leather Book Reader, Fountain Pen Aficionado, Widow Visitor
Carolyn (44): 15 Year Homeschool Mom, Runner, Tofu Lover,
Revolutionary War Teacher, Ward Activities Chair, Sunbeam Teacher, Verdons Avid
Visitor, Timp Climber, Vegetable Garden Failure, Family Reunion Fan, Home Dec
Specialist, Book Grouper, Gleaning Quitter, Spring Flinger, Marriott/Smith
Oregon Coast Trip Lover
Jameson (20): Wonderland Trail Hiker, DUI Survivor, National
Amateur Cabaret Competitor, Cub and Boy Scout Leader, Sunday School Teacher,
70% Cocoa Chocolate Lover, Fountain Pen Breaker, Ebay Shipping Manager,
Washington Dance Club Friday-Nighter, Inspector Luke Underhaus
Stasia (18): Seminary Graduate, Primary Chorister, Pacific
Ballroom A-Team Captain, BYU Freshman, Front Cover of “American Dancer”
Magazine, Dater, Interior Design Lover, Oatmeal Every Morninger, Ward Organist,
BYU Ballroom Team Member, Sunday School Teacher, Cannon Center Soup-Stirring
Worker, Runner, Veggie Eater
Lexi (16): Student of Rhetoric and Logic, 17 Shakespeare Plays
Watcher/Reader, Driver, Laurel First Counselor, Ear-Pierced
Fainter, Cross Country Coach’s Award Winner, Track and Field Letter Earner,
Sunday Dessert Maker, Declaration of Independence Memorizer, Girl’s Camp
Counselor, Seminary Pianist, Jewel
Tessa (14): Pacific Ballroom Advanced Team Dancer, Walker in
Stasia’s Footsteps, German Prima Dona, Piano Player, Ear Piercer, Seminary
Student, Peter’s Taekwondo Sparring Target, 17 Shakespeare Plays
Watcher/Reader, Popcorn Popper, Fainter, Genius Essay Writer, Drama Queen, Mia
Maid Counselor, Breakfast Dish Washer
um Secretary, 2X Toenail Rip Offer,
Willing Worker, 700 FICS Chess Point Advancer, Eat to Die-er, Taekwondo Yellow
Belt, Ecclesiastes 7:1 Motto Adopter, Washington State Chess Competitor, Every
Night Dish Washer, Sister Teaser, Traveler to Alberta, Canada, Seattle Aquarium
Katie (10): Horseback Riding Student, Crocheter, Lunch Dish
Washer, Constant Reader, Pianist, Sketcher, History Clubber, Past-Her-Waist
Hair Grower, Geography Buff, Lizzy’s Mentor, Dogged Writer, Mom’s Reading
Partner, American Girls Fan, Wonderful Week with Eliza in Victoria, B.C.
Lizzy (6): Tireless Beader, Peter’s Math Student, Budding Reader,
Alberta Hoodoo Rock Formation Enthusiast, Garbage Emptier, Bike Rider, Boot
Wearer, Poem Memorizer, Friends Lover, Sewer, Selective Eater, Contagious
Laugher, Still Our Spoiled Little Favorite
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