Jim (50): over-the-hiller, fountain pen fixer, economics
teacher, banana walnut soy cream maker, silk tie collector, Airstream owner,
Nibley’s Approaching Zion reader, 10,000 feedback milestoner, yard sale
manager, walker, YouTube celebrity, ward financial clerk, handwriting
Carolyn (45): Spanish, U.S. Constitution and Civil War teacher,
Peter’s chess tournament buddy, Lynnanne mourner, Basic Economicser,
beach house lover, QuickBooks courser, ward activities chair and Sunbeam
teacher, runner/walker, April Fools victim, traveler to North Dakota, Alberta
and 4 x to Utah
Jameson (21): 2nd year Ebayer, Mt. Rainier summit
attempter, motorcycle seller, Java programmer, photographer, ankle sprainer,
360° on freewayer, Atlas Shrugged reader, blogger, car crash rescuer,
Sunday school teacher, singles ward attendee, letter corresponder, house
painter, Alaskan sailor/cable puller
Stasia (19): BYU history major, organ player, Lisa and Emma’s
roommate, Ebay shipper, starving student vegetable eater, Facebook picture
detagger, heartbreaker, 5 am custodial worker, room painter, singer, Gospel
Essentials teacher
Lexi (17): Viola in Twelfth Night, chef, seminary driver,
choir and seminary pianist, rhetoric student, ACT taker, high jumper, Laurel
counselor, time manager, cross country runner, fainter, Constitution bowler,
babysitter, house scraper, seminary president
Tessa (15): brunette ballroom team 2nd placer at
nationals, dramatic Olivia in Twelfth Night, voice student, Mia Maid
counselor, Constitution bowler, $500 ballroom scholarship earner, babysitter,
bronze ballroom medalist, grammar stickler, pianist
Peter (13): arm breaker, chess tournament trophy and cash winner,
Orsino in Twelfth Night, pro-procrastinator, deacon quorum president,
fall-off-stage fainter, garbage disposal, Constitution bowler, the family
jokester, JAVA learner, house painter, merit badger
Katie (11): Spanish learner, wheat bread seller, ballroom dancer,
signature flourisher, glasses breaker, drawer and painter, avid reader,
can-sit-on-her-hairer, Shakespeare enthusiast, writer, assistant primary
Lizzy (7): budding reader, snuggler, cursive learner, piano
player, curls cutter, Savannah misser, quilt blocker, teeth loser, sick of
Barbieser, poem memorizer
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